Teaching History through Film
Mediapede collaborates with the Center for the Study of Public History and Public Culture at the George Washington University to develop and disseminate teaching guides that enable K-12 educators to integrate the study of pertinent films into regular history curriculum.
Learn more about Teaching History through Film.
The Media Resource Directory
Mediapede’s initial and central project is to develop, organize, and host an annotated index of traditional and online resources for media research. This basic reference tool will provide a centralized, comprehensive, and current directory of the archives, collections, holdings, and sites worldwide offering materials related to all contemporary media, including digital, film, phonography, photography, print, radio, telegraphy, telephony, and television.
Directory entries will be indexed, cross-referenced, searchable, and include detailed descriptions of the scope, organization, and accessibility of each media resource site. Directory users will be able to subscribe to customized media topics and receive email updates whenever new resources are indexed. As possible, entries will be available in alternative languages. The current directory will be freely available online, with regular editions available in print and on CD-ROM and/or other portable digital form.
The media resource directory will be produced through the collaborative efforts of scholars, professionals, and the general public worldwide. Individuals will create, submit, and update entries for specific media research resources, maintaining control over and responsibility for their contributions to the directory. As the directory grows, its value as a centralized reference tool will encourage media archives, collections, holdings and sites to self-submit entries to encourage greater access to their resources.
Join Mediapede and help build the media resource directory.
Other Tools for Media Studies
To encourage and enable people of all ages and outlooks to access information about contemporary media and think creatively about the role of media in their lives, Mediapede develops projects in the following areas:
- media studies activities and lessons for primary, secondary, higher and continuing education
- programs to bring together media scholars, industry professionals, and consumers to encourage their mutual understanding and greater collaboration
- resources to extend the understanding of global issues in contemporary media
Join Mediapede and learn more about tools for media studies.