The Mirage of AI Hallucinations

On 9 July 2024, I gave a talk to the Portland, Oregon Product Tank based on my collaboration with Anna Mills on the terminology and metaphors we use to describe artificial intelligence (AI) outputs when they don’t match our expectations of shared reality.

You can view the slides from the presentation and coming soon, a transcript and recording of the talk.

A slide with the text "The Mirage of AI Hallucinations, 9 July 2024, Product Tank Portland" over a background of a photograph of mirages in a desert under a hazy sky showing some distant outcroppings reflected in what looks like water beyond a rocky foreground. Attribution for the image is in small white letters across it's bottom: “Mirages in the Sahara Desert” by Meg Gilbert is licensed via CC BY-SA. A thin black vertical bar is at the left of the slide with a white number 1 at the top and white icons for "CC" (the letters CC in a circle) and BY (a human figure in a circle), representing the Creative Commons Attribution license, at the bottom.
Photo credit: “Mirages in the Sahara Desert” by Meg Gilbert is licensed via CC BY-SA.

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